Saturday, April 02, 2005

Interview at Free from 9 to 5

Check out Eric's interview with me over at Free from 9 to 5. He found Antonia Rose Printing online when looking for custom Post-its and his interest in my company was piqued by a family picture on my contact page. I am certainly glad that I am free from 9 to 5 work, and I hope I always will be!

I am already getting some sales of my Breast Cancer Support Post-it notes, mostly not personalized, though they can be personalized with a line or two at the top at no extra charge. My sister-in-law's Stage IV breast cancer is not looking good at all; we were over there at Easter and she feels fine, but all the test results are very discouraging. I'm donating $4 from each set of 10 sold to the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation.

Finally, I don't know much about this company, Quiksilver, out of CA, but any company that first gets its employees personalized Post-it notes for Christmas and then gets a whole bunch of the below design as a promotion for the Quiksilver Boardrider's Club, must be a cool place to work, huh?
Quiksilver custom printed Post-it note

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