My main consolation is that my page was indexed by Google first, so hers should be treated as duplicate content and not show up in search results. (I found her through her pay per click advertising on Google. She is under Her website is full of grammatical errors, broken links, etc., so it is not like she is real competition. It sure makes me angry though, to see my hard work appropriated by someone else. And get this--she even has a copyright statement on HER site, under her legal notice link, warning about others doing this to her! Grrrrrr.
We are still at the top of Froogle for wedding program fans and we expect the orders to pick up around March, when it warms up down south. The southern brides come first, then everyone else follows for June weddings. This is only the second spring these have been available, so I expect them to be HOT.
Check out some of our sample program fans--you can do a lot with them!